Visual Artist
Landscapes :: Wildlife :: Portraiture
Selection of Works

"Picnic Beach" Oil on Canvas 110x130cm

"On The Right Track" Oil on Canvas 110x130cm

"Song Of The Sea" Oil on Canvas 110x130cm

"Thicket" Oil on Canvas 110x130cm

"Wave after Wave" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"The Painted Coast" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Rock Pool" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Shadows in the Sand" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Watermarks" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Ebb & Flow" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"The Seventh Wave" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Shadows of our Former Selves" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Fire in the Water" (2panels) Oil on Canvas 100x150cm

"Sun Spangled Bay" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Promise of Rain" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Sunset after Rain" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

Painting "In The company of Giants" Oil on Canvas

"Wandoo Summer" Oil on Canvas 110x130cm (sold)

"Morning in the Forest" Oil on Canvas 110x140cm (sold)

"Fantail Mallee" Acrylic on Canvas 110x130cm

"Uluru" (6 panels) Oil on Canvas 110x150

"Kata Tjuta" (6 panels) Oil on Canvas 110x150cm

"Once Were Many" Oil on Canvas 120x180cm (sold)

"In the Company of Giants" (one of two panels) Oil on Canvas (sold)

"Heading South" Oil on Canvas 70x170

"Resting Up" Oil on Canvas 70x170cm

"All The Way from Siberia" Oil on Canvas 70x170cm (sold)

"Stitching the Shallows" Oil on Canvas 70x170

"Crested Terns" Oil on Canvas 130x110 (sold)

"A Celebration of Galahs" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Against the Wall" Oil on Canvas 160x120cm

"Mother & Young" Oil on Canvas 130x110cm

"Waiting for Chips" Oil on Canvas 70x170(sold)

"Hooded Plovers" Oil on Canvas 70x85cm (sold)

"The Visitors" Oil on Canvas 45x45cm (sold)

"Sea Lions" Oil on Canvas 75x90cm

"Girl with Curls" Oil on Canvas 76x61cm (sold)

"The Party Dress" Oil on Canvas 61x51cm (sold)

"Salty Dog" Oil on Canvas 102x76cm

"Making a Splash" Oil on Canvas 102x76cm

"The Spotted Blouse" Oil on Canvas 46x36cm (sold)

"Mother and Child" Oil on Canvas 59x48cm

"The Striped Scarf" Oil on Canvas 61x51cm (sold)

"Still Smiling" Oil on Canvas 46x36cm (sold)
Pastel Landscapes

"Snappy Gums" Pastel on paper 55x75cm

"Dry Creek Bed" Pastel on paper 55x75cm

"Walga Rock" Pastel on paper 55x75cm

"Storm over the Bay" Pastel on paper 55x75cm

"Through the Paperbarks" Pastel on paper 55x75cm

"Tidal Creek" Pastel on paper 75x55cm (sold)

"Lavender Bay" Pastel on paper 75x55cm

"Scalloped Sands" Pastel on paper 75x55cm (sold)
Still Life

"Gilding the Lily" Oil on canvas 83x61cm

"Many a Mickle Makes a Muckle" Oil on canvas 60x46cm

"Flash in the Pan" Oil on canvas 60x46cm

"A Stitch in Time" Oil on canvas 60x46cm

"Indulgence" Oil on canvas 60x46cm

"Sure as Eggs" Oil on canvas 60x46cm

"Spouting Forth" Oil on canvas 60x46cm

"Daffodils and Diamonds" Oil on canvas 60x46cm